Saturday, October 28, 2017

A New Adventure!

The time has come for us head off on a new adventure!  Our children are grown and there is so much more of the world to see and experience.  We have had times of incredible joy and times of deep sadness during the 10 years we have lived on our farm in the home we put countless hours into building.  When the actual day arrives to close the door behind us one last time, there will be deep sadness yet also excitement for what lies ahead.  We fondly look back at the memories we have created here.  Adieu our home, we wish for you new voices, laughter and tears. The pitter patter of new feet and the loving touch and care of new hands.  Protect them, keep them warm, and show them the spectacular beauty of nature that surrounds them as you have done for us. Leaving you a piece of my heart, Maja xx

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Brotherly love!

I love my brother... I love both my brothers... Sadly one lives on the other side of the country so I don't see him much anymore...  My older brother Andy lives a few hours away, and we see each other quite often.  This was a photo taken of us on my birthday this spring.  Good times!!!

Our silly cat...

Penny is funny.  I actually find most cats quite entertaining, each with their own unique character!  I had a reusable shopping back hanging on my bed post.  Well, Penny figured it was a great place to have a nap!

An early spring bike ride!

These collage was taken about a month or so ago.... it's much greener now, with all the rain we've had.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Just Ducky...

Finally got around to doing another painting.... again, a gift for someone. This is a 5"x7" gouache and watercolour on illustration board.  I REALLY enjoyed painting this... ducklings are so adorable, so the subject matter kept me smiling.  These photos were taken with my iphone 3, so the quality is not very good, but you get the idea!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Did I mention Spain and London!

YES!!! We were lucky enough to go on a trip to London and Spain last August... these are only a VERY small handful of the many amazing photos from our trip.  Oh, we also went to Gibraltar!  What great experiences we had!  Now I really have the travel bug and want to see so much more of the world.... oh no!