Saturday, January 22, 2011

Party Time!

Sometimes it's necessary to go out and have a little fun!

There are no words...

More Pictures of Winter...

Brrrrr... enough said.

Winter garb...

Yes, unfortunately this is my typical garb for a winter walk on the farm. I feel that I need to fit in with the animals and surroundings, hence the hat, it allows me to really blend in. I just came off night shifts... so if I look a little tired, I have a legitimate excuse.

I'm so in Love!

I'm sorry - I'm not biased... Lilli is the best little dog in the world EVER!!!

Dreaming of chasing cows!

How far we've come!

It's that time again!

Twas the season for baking.....


I call these "Mond Cookies" but that's not their "real" name...

A work in progress...

I have been trying to work on the fireplace whenever I feel the urge...It's taken some time, but I finally put the tile on around the fireplace. It now needs grouting, and then I'll put the woodwork and molding on and build up the mantel... trust me... I have a vision in mind:) Setting the little stones on the hearth is also a slow and tedious process, but I think it'll look nice when it's finally completed!

Better late than Never!

A few Christmas pics... I know - a little late!

Justin, very happy with his new fencing jacket!

I framed some of Peter's artwork for him...

A beautiful reindeer ornament.

It's Wintertime!

Winter is 1/2 over thank goodness!!! Aside from Christmas, not my favourite season! Ben's birthday was celebrated at the beginning of January. The animals are all fat and content. The sheep are visibly pregnant and we look forward to the arrival of the lambs at the end of March.

Oops... I misspelled pigeons...